Notre impact

Lorsque nous parlons de notre impact, nous utilisons l’image d’un arbre fruitier, représentant la croissance et la vie dynamique.
Même si un arbre peut être planté et entretenu – et nous avons un rôle important à jouer dans ce domaine – un arbre a sa propre vie. Et c’est aussi ce que nous pensons de notre impact. Nous sommes des pratiquants et sa vie aura une vie bien au-delà de nous. Nous nous engageons à travailler à la réalisation de notre vision et de notre mission dans le cadre d’un environnement beaucoup plus large d’espoir, de changement et d’impact.
Check back here on a regular basis, as this page is always being updated.
Emergency services
Emergency help
Police, fire, and ambulance: dial 911
Police/Royal Canadian Mounted Police (non-emergency): (250) 469-8686
Local Royal Canadian Mounted Police contact information.
Kelowna Women's Shelter: (250) 763-1040
Kid's Help Line: 1 (800) 668-6868 or text 66868
Mental Health Help Line: (250) 310-6789
Suicide Crisis Centre: 1 (800) 784-2433
HealthLink BC: 811
Government services
Government of Canada supports
Government of British Columbia Welcome Ukraine resources
What to do when you first arrive; healthcare, employment, housing, cost of living, financial assistance, children and education, and more.
Food and community resources
Kelowna Community Resources
For community, family, immigrant, and employment services
Phone: (250) 763-8008
Email: info@kcr.ca
Address: 620 Leon Avenue, Kelowna
24/7 Crisis Line: 1 (888) 353-2273
Central Okanagan Food Bank
Provides food for registered clients: Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
Phone: (250) 763-7161
Email: info@cofoodbank.com
Address: 2310 Enterprise Way, Kelowna
Register as a client at https://cofoodbank.com/newclient/
St. Michael's and All Angels Food Cupboard
Provides short-term and emergency food relief
Phone: (250) 762-3321
Address: 608 Sutherland Avenue, Kelowna
Hours: 9:00–11:00 a.m.
Ukrainian Orthodox Parish of Sts Peter & Paul Free Store
Provides household items, children's games and books, and community connections.
Phone: (250) 860-7384
Address: 1935 Barlee Road, Kelowna
Hours: Tuesdays 5:30–7:30 p.m.
Dormition of the Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church
Provides household items, children's games and books, and community connections.
Phone: (250) 860-7295
Email: pavlo.myts@nweparchy.ca
Address: 1091 Coronation Avenue, Kelowna
Hours: Arrange a time directly with the church, or come to a Sunday service when leaders will be able to help (and stay for coffee, snacks, and conversation afterwards).
Pathways Abilities Society, Kelowna
Provides support to people with diverse abilities to participate independently in their communities.
This includes employment, housing, and social recreation.
Email: fs@pathwayskelowna.ca
Address: 123 Frankly Rd, Kelowna & 2476 Main Street, West Kelowna
H20 Adventure + Fitness Centre
Provides activities and events for families. Membership is required.
Newcomer Ukrainians receive the first 3 months free. Financial assistance is available.
Phone: (250) 491-9622
Address: 4075 Gordon Drive, Kelowna
Hours: 6:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m.
Mamas for Mamas
Supporting mothers and caregivers in crisis and facing poverty-related struggles.
Website: www.mamasformamas.org
Email: info@mamasformamas.org
Phone: (236) 420-0075
Address: 1735 Dolphin Avenue, Unit 120, Kelowna.
Employment resources
Work BC
Provides supports to prepare for a job, plan a career, discover employment services, explore training and education, research the labour market, access employer resources, and find loans and grants.
Income assistance British Columbia
Apply for assistance and access services.
Language and learning resources
Okanagan Regional Library
Provides a Ukrainian language collection of children’s literature for children 3–12 years old. Library cards are free.
Set up an account here and sign up for a library card online. You can review their catalogue and reserve books online. And, of course, you can visit your local branch and get help during opening hours.
Language services for newcomers
Mission Creek Alliance Church and Evangel Church provide English language classes and learning support.
Mission Creek Alliance website: https://www.mcachurch.ca/ministries/say-the-word
Mission Creek Alliance email: office@mcachurch.ca
Mission Creek Alliance phone: (250) 860-2427
Mission Creek Alliance address: 2091 Springfield Road, Kelowna
Evangel Church website: https://evangelkelowna.com/esl
Evangel Church email: info@evangelkelowna.com
Evangel Church phone: (250) 762-0682
Evangel Church address: 3261 Gordon Drive, Kelowna